The curtain rises. It reveals the Pepper, at the front of the stage, in all its roundness. Its presence and sweetness make it particularly charismatic. And even more so when the Raspberry arrives, its tangy companion who accompanies its dance with great elegance. With its lively and delicate steps, the Cayenne Pepper closes this ballet of flavors. The curtain falls. Applause. The Raspberry Pepper and Cayenne Pepper Confit has once again succeeded in its show. As it wins approval every time. Its most fervent fan is Roquefort, of course.
Ideal with Roquefort, Bleu or Ash Goat Cheese. Try it with semi-cooked foie gras, duck breast, as a tart base, or when making a sorbet, etc.
This product is not in our warehouse, so it could take a maximum of 7 days for the manufacturer to deliver it to us. Then we deliver it to you. A slight delay may occur if this product is part of your shipment.